Competitive Advantage
Only app-based luggage delivery service in US. Other competitors may have years of experience but have yet to align themselves with current technological demands to reach a broader audience.
Future Plans
Future Plans Include
Automated Luggage GPS Tracking Via APP
Direct Custom API integrations with Airlines
Tracker Infused Luggage
Third Party Insurance
Cyber Security Expert and Software Engineers are Rebus founders. Both industries are forefront in design and development of App.
Travel sector is growing to pre-COVID numbers quickly. According to the Summer 2022 Report, The US Travel Forecast expects 1.15 T in Total Travel Spending in 2023.
In more recent events, we've seen travel demands take airlines and airports a like by storm. This opens doors to new infrastructure innovations like Rebus, who can help ease expansion burdens on all impacted.
Rebus was designed with growth in mind. Ease of expansion domestically and internationally.
Summer 2023 launch time
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